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Latest Updates

Important Headteacher Update

On Tuesday 18th June 2024 4pm-5pm you can present your questions to the new Director of Manor Teaching School Hub. Find out more about:

  • Initial Teacher Training landscape for the future
  • Early Career Framework updates
  • Appropriate Body services
  • National Professional Qualifications funding
  • Continuous Professional Development across the region

Book your place here


The DFE have announced the new funding approach for National Professional Qualifications from Autumn 2024.

The following NPQ programmes will be fully-funded for all state funded schools and eligible nursery settings:

  • NPQH and the Early Headship Coaching Offer
  • NPQ for Leading Primary Maths
  • NEW NPQ for SEND

All other NPQs will be funded for schools considered to be serving disadvantaged communities. The criteria for assessing this will be:

  • Schools in the top 50% of schools with the highest proportion of pupils who attract pupil premium funding;
  • 16 to 19 settings identified as having high disadvantage; or
  • highly disadvantaged early years settings. 


Education Endowment Fund Recruiting for programmes and trials

The EEF have announced the range of programmes and trials which they are now recruiting for. These programmes support national and regional priorities and they offer schools opportunities to be among the first to trial promising approaches including receiving programmes at a subsidised cost or free, or if in the control group, get paid to take part. Ultimately you and your school can contribute to the evidence base on what works in education.  Click here to take part in an EEF project


Ambition’s Steplab and ECT teams will be running a series of training sessions to help you utilise Steplab even better with training sessions relevant to your role.  Each session will be 30-45 minutes and there will be several opportunities to join over a three-week period.   Please click to download dates, times, and Zoom links for the training sessions here and click to join the training!


An exciting fully funded programme is available for primary schools in Walsall.

The project will support schools in raising KS2 pupil outcomes in reading and writing and has 20 FREE places on the programme. There is both intensive face to face development for your English Leader and virtual twilight sessions for other staff that you might select to enable the development to be implemented widely across your school.

Click here for more information and to express interest contact before Jan 8th 2024.


Local English Hubs are running numerous DfE Reading Framework webinars throughout Nov and Dec 2023 – click here to make a booking


The Department for Education portal for registering ECTs and mentors for January and April starters is open

Click here for the latest guidance video to help your through this process.

This page gives you an overview of the whole process. How to set up training for early career teachers - GOV.UK (

If you are a school completely new to ECTs or just new to Manor as your delivery partner then let us know that you want to be with us as a provider of ECF CPD (through Ambition Institute) and/or Statutory Induction (AB) Services. You can use this link or email to talk to Liz Marson.


Manor TSH has a number of information sessions planned – all of which you can book on by clicking here

Info session for Induction Tutors on key AB and ECF actions for the forthcoming months - 8th December 2023 - 8.30am to 9.30am

Info session on NPQs for January 24 recruitment – 9th January - 9.30am to 10.30 am

Spotlight on ITT session for School Leaders who want to support the recruitment and training of new teachers in our area - Thursday 14th December


Registration for NPQs - Registration is now open for February 2024 cohorts of all NPQs – click here to express your interest in a programme.


Initial Teacher Education in our area.

TSHs have a new role in deepening engagement with ITT in our local area, connecting schools and ITT providers and developing news ways to highlight initial teacher training opportunities and increase the flow of excellent teachers into our schools.

Want to get your school more involved in ITT?  Join one of our Spotlight on ITT sessions for a short briefing and to ask questions on either Thursday 16th November    (08:00 – 08:45)    or Thursday 16th November (16:00 – 16:45). Click here to register for one of these virtual sessions.

We have also launched a Survey to ask Headteachers about engagement with ITT so that we can work out how we can further support local schools – click here to respond to the survey.


Good News for Small Schools - Is your school less than 600 pupils? Then you can get ADDITIONAL Support Funding to retain and train your staff.  In addition to the full scholarship funding for all state-maintained schools and academies, the DfE are providing additional payments to small schools to help support your leaders to undertake NPQs.

We know that smaller schools often don’t have the resources to promote top talent, but we know that staff value your commitment to their progression and training and that this can help retention. So take the opportunity to access an additional grant payment of £200 (or £800) for each employed teacher or leader who participates in an NPQ*. This is funding that you can use in any way to make engagement more possible, e.g. cover costs.

*The latest funding can be found on the DFE site and offers £800 to schools smaller than 150 pupils, £200 to all primary schools and £200 to secondary schools less than 600 pupils. 


Teacher Training - Huge congratulations to the Teacher Training institutions in the West Midlands who have been reaccredited to continue building teacher training provision locally – Click here for the full National List. This includes Strategic Partners of the TSH and you can find out more about their provision here.

National Professional Qualifications - The next cohorts of NPQs are recruiting fast and the application deadline for February 2023 is January 12th.  All programme are fully funded - All teachers and leaders employed in state funded schools in England can access these National Professional Qualifications at no cost.

Leading Teaching
Leading Literacy
Leading Behaviour and Culture
Leading Teacher Development
Senior Leadership
Early Years Leadership.

Provisional schedules and Information on each course can be found here. And to express your interest click here.

Proud to Continue Serving Our Area

Manor Teaching School Hub is proud to have been re-designated by the Department for Education for a further four years. We are excited to continue serving schools in Walsall, Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire, delivering the Initial Teacher Education, Appropriate Body Services, Early Career Framework and National Professional Qualifications.

Curriculum Hub News

An important role of the Teaching School hub is to signpost relevant high quality professional development run by the Curriculum Hubs. We promote the work of the Maths, English, Computing, Science and Behaviour Hubs as well as signposts CPD from local Research Schools. Click below to go to their websites for the most up to date information.

We are pleased to have Gill Holmes joining Manor’s facilitator team to lead the new NPQ for Leading Primary Maths. Gill has taught in primary education for 27 years across a variety of schools including large urban schools and small rural schools.  She has been a Deputy Head Teacher at a large primary school for 7 years and the Maths Lead for 10 years.  She now works as an Independent Primary Maths Specialist and as Primary Assistant Maths Hub Lead for the North Mids Maths Hub. 

Gill completed the MaST accreditation with Edge Hill University.  She trained as a NCETM Cohort 1 Teaching for Mastery Specialist in 2015 and visited Shanghai to observe teaching and taught in China.  She is an SLE and has supported schools and specialists across the Maths Hub with the Teaching for Mastery pedagogy.  Gill has been accredited the NCETM PD Lead and is currently training on the NCETM School Development Lead Programme. 



Music Hubs - Both Wolverhampton and Walsall have excellent Music Hub CPD programme – click here to get the latest from Walsall Music Hub


North Midlands and Black Country Science Learning Partnerships continue to deliver a CPD programme for Primary Teacher, Secondary Teachers and Science Technicians that covers subject knowledge, pedagogy, curriculum design and health & safety.  Click here for the Primary CPD Programme or the Secondary, Post 16 and Technicians programme

Each course is led by an accredited, subject specialist facilitator and delivered either remotely online across a series of short, live sessions or face to face.  In between remote delivered CPD, through structured tasks, you will explore key resources, develop materials to share with colleagues and reflect on your own learning.

To see more detail for each course please click on the course title to access the STEM learning CPD website where you can make your booking.


Latest Virtual sessions from the English Hub delivered by Diane Pye

Reading beyond Phonics:            22nd February 2024 9am-12 noon

Getting the Culture Right:             26th January 2024 9am-12 noon

If you are interested please contact


The National Centre for Computing Education has new DFE funding for STEM Learning.

All CPD courses are now FREE for state-funded schools. This includes all full day and short courses both face to face and remote – click to see 2023 schedules – Summer Computing Secondary and Summer Computing Primary.  

Plus there are additional subsidies for attendance at CPD

Subsidies of £205 are available for the first teacher to attend a full day primary course from a school located in an EIA area to support with supply costs (This includes Wolverhampton and Walsall Schools). This subsidy is available for the summer term regardless of if a subsidy has been used this academic year and will then be available once every academic year moving forward.

Subsidies for secondary courses are available to provide two days supply cover (£205 per day) for teachers to attend the Computer Science Accelerator (CSA) CPD, helping to develop teachers’ subject knowledge and skills without impacting pupils' lessons. This support is available to state-funded secondary schools and colleges in England.


Utilising recommendations from the recent Ofsted science report “Finding the optimum” our local Science Hub is providing CPD on:

  • Curriculum - A series of summer conferences for primary, secondary and technicians will help staff from schools to develop their understanding and skills in delivering effective practical work in schools and the implications for their wider team.
  • Pedagogy and assessment – Sessions on Making Powerful Connections to Maths and Literacy in the Science Curriculum (15/5/23) and Key Stage 3 Science for Non-Science Specialists (23/6/23)
  • Systems, subject and school level - Remote networks ensure staff at every level have access to subject support and development, these can be bespoke for groups local to your area if needed.

Click here to see the full flyer and links to book.

Featured Programmes

The Early Headship Coaching Offer is free to new heads who are in the first five years of their headship and who have started or completed an NPQH.

Click here for a flyer with more information about the programme which involves one to one coaching, development sessions, school visits and is completely free.

The next cohort will start in April which we find is a good time to engage because it really supports newer Heads as you plan for the year ahead.

The recruitment deadline is 12 March 2024.

Heads can express their interest by clicking here.


If you have ECTs joining your school in Autumn 2023 then you may wish to watch our information video, covering: Introduction to ECT Services, The ECF Programme from Ambition and Manor TSH Appropriate Body Services.. You can also access the slides separately here.


As part of the EEF’s involvement in the DfE's Accelerator Fund, Research Schools are now promoting and recruiting for the 6-module Supporting Recovery programme. This new programme is linked to recovery and evidence-informed leadership and teaching. We are delighted to be able to offer this programme for free to all schools within our area.

Learn more HERE.