Partners & Governance

The Manor Teaching School Hub has been established to serve all schools across the Walsall Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire areas and builds upon some of the established expertise of schools who were part of the previous Teaching School structure.

Strategic Partners

The Strategic Partners form a Board who track performance; determine any wider offer beyond the golden thread; hold each other to account with peer challenge and support and ensure robust quality assurance of the TSH offer. Strategic Partners support the continuity of existing relationships in the locality and support the development of new relationships. The Strategic Partners who play an extensive role in the delivery of professional development programmes can be found below.


Manor Primary School

Manor Primary feels very privileged to deliver CPD on behalf of our National Teaching School Hub and is very proud to serve South Staffordshire, Walsall and Wolverhampton Schools.

At Manor our goal is to ensure that every member of staff we work with receives the highest quality professional development and tailored support so they can be to be the best they can be. The support we provide grows inspirational people that create positive energy and generate enthusiasm, individuality and creative thinking. In turn the children they teach and the staff they lead are inspired to believe that no mountain is too high to conquer and that nothing is impossible to achieve. We aim to ensure that everyone is highly motivated and engaged by their experience with us and that we add value to their journey by their association with us.


Barr Beacon School

Barr Beacon School is an outstanding SCITT supporting Primary and Secondary trainees in the Black Country and South Staffordshire. Actively involved with Internship opportunities , experience days and careers fairs which provides information and essential experience for potential candidates to join the teaching profession. In the last three years over 132 trainee teachers have successfully qualified ready to embark on the next stage of their career path as newly qualified teachers.

Barr Beacon School has worked closely with the Department of Education on workload reduction and continues to operate as a National Lead on reducing teacher workload by sharing across the country our strategy.

We have worked closely alongside Ambition Leadership on the Early Career pilot and have delivered the National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership with success.

As a school we pride ourselves in sharing our best practice and we feel privileged to work with Manor Teaching School Hub to serve Secondary Schools within Walsall, Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire.

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Ryders Hayes School

Ryders Hayes School, one of the original pilot Teaching Schools, has more than a decade’s track-record of strong collaboration for evidence-based, staff development across all phases to support great teaching:

● leading national initiatives in the region such as: Workload Reduction; Mentally Healthy Schools; large-scale DfE school improvement projects; core training for specialist leaders, and the delivery of NPQs to develop our leaders of the future
● meeting local need through the design of bespoke CPD; leading on assessment and moderation, as well as Phonics and Early Years Leadership on behalf of Walsall LA
● providing highly-regarded ITT, with an average of over 20 trainees annually; training and retaining the very best early careers teachers
● growing high-calibre specialists in STEM; Maths Mastery; IT; Early Years & Phonics; History; Assessment & Moderation

We are proud to serve our local schools through Manor TSH and look forward to working alongside your team to help them to thrive and flourish.


St Bartholomew's Primary

Passionate about ensuring the very best educational journey for all children, St Bart’s has always been committed to developing exceptional teachers and leaders at all levels; this is at the heart of ensuring excellent education for all. Through our work as a teaching school, and our desire to work collaboratively, we have been involved for many years in delivering high quality CPD and supporting schools with sustainable growth throughout Wolverhampton, South Staffordshire and beyond, including:

  • Support at all stages from ITT through to CEO
  • Subject leadership networks
  • Bespoke school to school support

By developing pedagogy, expertise, creativity, and leadership skills, a confident, dynamic and inspirational team can thrive. To this end, children will enjoy and excel.

We are delighted to be a strategic partner of The Manor Teaching School Hub and feel privileged to work alongside likeminded, dedicated colleagues, providing excellent professional development opportunities to help improve outcomes for all children.

The Manor Primary Academy is the legal entity responsible for the Manor Teaching School Hub and overarching Governance is provided by the MTSH Committee. The role of the MTSH Committee is to:

Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the Manor Teaching School Hub

Hold the TSH Director to account for the performance of the TSH against the DfE KPIs and Delivery Plan

Oversee the financial performance of the TSH and monitor the expenditure of the TSH Grant to ensure value for money principles are maintained

Ensure that the TSH comply with the terms of the Grant Offer

Act on key strategic recommendations from Manor Strategic Board



Important Documentation:

MTSH Committee terms of reference
Attendance 2023-24 to date
Declarations/register of interests
Membership report

Members of the Committee are:

Tracy Whatmore (Manor MAT Director)

Julie Mills (Manor Primary Headteacher)

Ian Rumble (Manor MAT Finance Committee)

Jan Rudge (Manor MAT Director)

Also in attendance (non-voting) are:

Anita Cliff (Chief Executive Advisor for Manor MAT)

Lou Wedge (Director of MTSH)

Phil Leivers (Head of Education Excellence, City of Wolverhampton Council)

Tim Moss (Asst Director of Education Strategy and Improvement, Staffordshire CC)

Nick Perks (Quality Assurance Teams, Children's Services, Walsall MBC)

Ben Davies (St Martin's MAT, Wolverhampton)

Quality Assurance

We have a system of robust quality assurance processes to monitor and maintain the performance of the hub and the schools and individual leaders deployed by the Teaching School Hub.

Haybridge Teaching School Hub

Haybridge Teaching School Hub are our Challenge Partner, and they provide an independent QA review which is reported to the MTSH Committee, the Strategic Board and the Trust Board. They look at best practice in structures and processes and ensure everything is in place to enable contractual obligations to be met.


Ambition Institute

Our selection of Ambition Institute, as our Lead Provider for both NPQ and ECF provision provides an assurance of quality content. Additionally, we work closely with Ambition Institute so that together we quality assure all delivery to ensure facilitated events are aligned to Ambition standards and curriculum sequence, there is consistency in the delivery and assessment processes and that there is integrity of processes and data systems to ensure GDPR compliance.

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At programme level there are additional quality assurance measures in place.


Ofsted will ensure that the ITT entitlement is being delivered, guaranteeing all trainee teachers an introduction to the core knowledge, skills and behaviours that sit at the heart of great teaching.

Appropriate Bodies

Appropriate Bodies play a key part in teacher induction. They check that early careers teachers (ECTs) receive their statutory entitlements and are fairly and consistently assessed, they will check whether ECTs are receiving a programme of support and training based on the Early Career Framework.


The frameworks have been independently reviewed by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to ensure they draw upon the best available evidence. Our Lead Provider is inspected by Ofsted.