Wider CPD

Teaching School Hubs' primary role is to address the teacher development needs of their local area first and foremost through the delivery of the national frameworks (Early Career Framework, National Professional Qualifications and Initial Teacher Education).

Additionally we address other professional development needs where possible through existing DfE-approved provision or programmes, such as those provided by our partner Curriculum Hubs or provision such as CPD for mental health leads via the DfE’s senior mental health lead training

The Teaching School Hub has also identified other CPD needs in the area in order to build a “wider offer”. For 2023/24 we have three programmes running which are available within our area and also to schools across the West Midlands:

NASENCO Award – essential training for all SENCOs in schools. This qualification will run in 2023/24 and the new NPQ for SEN will be available from Autumn 2024. Click here for the latest advice from the DFE.

Creating an ambitious environment for SEND pupils –  Join Simon Mosley to explore creating an environment where pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well in your school.

Improving Writing in your Primary school – three twilight sessions where leaders will have the opportunity to explore the core components of planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing work.

Through our collaborative networks we hope to develop a needs-led approach to the local CPD requirements of our teachers and staff in future years. Please email info@manorteachingschoolhub.com with any CPD needs for your school that you would like to discuss.


The National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO) is a statutory requirement for all SENCOs in the first 3 years in post and offers an excellent professional development opportunity for aspiring SENCOs.

This will be the statutory programme until the NPQ for SEN is launched in Autumn 2024. Click here to download the NASENCO flyer. There will be two alternative sessions with each costing just £150 per participant.

The programme days for the 23/24 NASENCO are as follows:

Virtual Day 1 – a choice of dates during October 2023

Day 2 (face-to-face) – 16th November 2023

Day 3 (face-to-face) – 19th January 2024

Day 4 (face-to-face) – 18th March 2024

Day 5 (face-to-face) – 21st May 2024

Day 6 (face-to-face) – 3rd July 2024

All full day face-to-face programmes incorporate refreshments and lunch. 


The established, Masters-level NASENCO qualification costs £2,250 + VAT and includes:

•                 training sessions with expert facilitators

•                 tutor and peer support

•                 academic writing and SENCO practice workshops

•                 access to our virtual learning environment for the duration of the programme

•                 technical and administrative support

•                 discussion forums that link all participants nationally

•                 registration with Bath Spa University

•                 awards 60 Master’s credits.

Click here to apply online via Best Practice Network website. 

Applicants are asked to state whether they have been recommended to the programme and should select Manor Teaching School Hub from the drop-down list to ensure you are routed to your local provision.


If you would like to know more or have any questions you can reach out to the friendly advisors at Best Practice Network, who are always on-hand to answer any questions and support your application. You can contact them through the livechat function on their website, on 0117 920 9200 or at NASENCO@bestpracticenet.co.uk.

Creating an ambitious environment for SEND pupils

The recently published SEND and AP Improvement Plan lays out the Government’s intentions to make sure more children and young people with SEND get the support they need. Schools will be reflecting on their current provision in the light of this and also in terms of how their provision is viewed by Ofsted. 

Key themes which all schools need to consider are: 

·        Identifying, assessing, and meeting needs.  

·        Curriculum.  

·        Involving parents, carers, and specialists.  

·        Leaders’ ambition.  

·        Outcomes and next steps. 

Every school wants to create an environment where pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well; where a curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all pupils, including pupils with SEND, the knowledge they need to succeed in life. Subject and phase leaders have a key role in supporting every pupil to succeed.  

This one-day course for SLT in either primary or secondary will provide a clear understanding of how to develop ambitious SEND provision which will naturally lead into the NPQ for SEN when this is launched. 


Delegates will consider: 

·        whether their provision is ambitious for pupils with SEND 

·        how they identify, assess, and meet the needs of pupils with SEND 

·        the learning environment for pupils with different needs 

·        how well they adapt the curriculum so that it is coherently sequenced for all pupils  

·        strategies and resources to support colleagues, including early career teachers, within a department to develop their practice 

·        what adaptive teaching looks like in their area  

·        how successfully they involve parents/carers and specialist services in support of pupils with SEND 

·        attendance, behaviour, and extra-curricular activities 

·        how well pupils with SEND are prepared for their next steps in education. 


Designed and delivered by Simon Mosley, who recently worked as an HMI. He inspects primary, secondary and specialist settings and also led six LASEND inspections. He was regional lead for SEND and a lead trainer for Ofsted. 


There will be two alternative sessions:

  • Autumn programme delivered in one full day – Tuesday 5th December 2023  (9.30am to 3.30pm) hosted at Manor Teaching School Hub 
  • Spring programme over 2 half days – Tuesday 30th January & Thursday 14th March 2024 (9.30am to 12.30pm) hosted at Manor Teaching School Hub 

To register interest for this programme click here.

Improving Writing in your Primary school 

Writing is a complex process, as identified in the Improving Literacy in key stage 2 EEF guidance report, it ‘is a complex task because it requires pupils to coordinate a number of different processes at once.’   

The Simple View of Writing highlights three overarching processes that are essential:    

·        text generation—thinking of ideas and using oral language skills to put those thoughts into words and sentences;    

·        transcription—the writer moving from oral language into written language;    

·        executive functions—such as self-regulation, planning, problem-solving, and monitoring writing.    

Children are required to coordinate multiple processes to produce a purposeful piece of writing that communicates effectively with the intended audience.    

Within these three twilight sessions, leaders will have the opportunity to explore the core components of: planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing work. Exploring the journey through the writing process and how this is carefully framed to include:   

·        effective instruction to develop children’s mental models    

·        opportunities to practice and apply    

·        revision and editing    

·        the shift from adult led scaffold to independent writing opportunities    


This programme will be run by Mel Glazzard, a highly experienced English Hub consultant and leadership facilitator for the NPQ Leading Literacy and she has created this programme to build upon NPQ discussions, making this a great extension opportunity for those on that programme as well as other local English support that schools are engaging in.

Attendees will reflect on the principles and strategies adopted in their own settings and identify how they can develop their existing curriculums to ensure a clear progression of knowledge and skills from the initial early writing opportunities in reception through to the end of key stage two.  The programme will be held at Manor Teaching School Hub in Wolverhampton over three twilight sessions costing just £120 per participant for the full programme.   

Workshops will explore:    

·        long term curriculum goals    

·        progression of skills    

·        year group provisions   

·        the journey through the writing process   

·        effective scaffolding    

·        The effective introduction of new or revised strategies with the teaching staff  


The programme will be held at Manor Teaching School Hub in Wolverhampton over three twilight sessions :

Session 1 – Thursday 23rd November 2023   4.00pm to 6.00pm 
Session 2 – Wednesday 24th January 2024   4.00pm to 6.00pm 
Session 3 – Wednesday 20th March 2024   4.00pm to 6.00pm 

To register your interest in booking on this programme click here.